


Cooperation Concept is a consultancy agency which aims at supporting actors intervening at different scales in the international cooperation and solidarity field, by sharing and spreading experiences, working methods and professional skills about:

  • Project funding,
  • Tools and methodological support for project management,
  • Intercultural management,
  • Practices of international cooperation and solidarity and local development actors.

These services are intended for public interest projects, associations, local development and international solidarity and cooperation actors.

The Concept

IMG_3626Through our expertise on technical tools and management practices, we offer to project leaders (associations, NGOs, civil society organizations, territorial authorities, public actors, companies...) to pool our skills and expertise.

This sharing allows project leaders (volunteers or professionals) to focus on their project construction and vision, while they benefit from a high level of expertise and an active monitoring on project funding and management in order to reinforce project directors in the success of their plans.

Pooling skills of people and resources

Cooperation Concept is an association, which allows to mobilize the skills of permanent people and the expertise of specialized members.

Our vision

20160509_153842Many actors (associations, NGOs, civil society organizations, public actors and territorial authorities, companies, individuals: volunteers or professionals) want to help and support southern populations.

The desire to help is not sufficient to lead efficient actions. Despite their knowledge, some actors have not always taken the time to train to development issues, international solidarity, cooperation and relations between North and South or intercultural issues.

To lead development actions, it is needed to understand and follow up on strategies and development processes and to know how to mobilize specific tools to anticipate changing due to a development program, in order to improve help efficiency.

Keeping this in mind, Cooperation Concept offers a special support and advice to actors concerned about the quality of their actions, based on our experiences, tools and expertise. Our goal is to reinforce knowledge in order to help southern populations take control of their own destiny and development. 

We wish to share appropriate know-how to improve projects and knowledge for volunteers, professionals, elected people concerned by development issues, international solidarity and cooperation, decentralized cooperation and corporate social responsibility to contribute to local development of populations.

Convinced that everyone can be an asset in development processes, Cooperation Concept does not advocate for professionalization but for technologizing tools and knowledges.

Why chose Cooperation Concept?

« International solidarity is not a matter of experts only, but it should not be amateur preoccupation as well. » Jean-Louis SABATIE

« The provision of services to other NGOs is a modern activity justified by huge needs of capitalization of NGO experiences in order to put them into perspective to measure their consequences and impacts» Beaufort, Didier (sd.), 2005, Les ONG, qu'est ce que c'est?, Bruxelles: COTA - Couleur Livres, p116

« Exploring your website, I think services you offer to associations are interesting » ACODEV

« We can observe that project leaders have a lack of methodology in their project conception and funding. The emotional aspect is most of the time the reason of their action and the source of their commitment. Some of them think that being accompanied in project management is unnecessary because they already have all the skills required. » C. Vilnet - Agence des Micro Projets

« Yes, project leaders spend more time looking for funding than thinking about the conception and the construction of their project. » C. Vilnet - Agence des Micro Projets

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