You are interested by trainings, supervision, support for fundraising, in joining us or contacting us?
We thank you for your interest.
If you want to know more about our services and supports, you can see the the Frequent Ask Questions
You will find below the procedure to contact us.
Contact us for :
You want to benefit from Cooperation Concept’s expertise and methodological support to reinforce your project in general or just for a specific aspect?
You face difficulties in the realization of your project or in the development of your organization and you need a support?
You want to know more about the intervention modalities of Cooperation Concept?
We invite you to send a short email to with the name of your organization and the purpose of your request.
You want to know more about the trainings we offer?
- If you want to know the dates of open formations that we have scheduled (in French) and the process to register, you just need to register to the Cooperation Concept newsletter or to check the event calendar.
- If you want to organize a formation, please send a short email to with the name of your organization, the place where you want to do your formation and your expectations.
You are interested in project supervising thanks to support advise from Cooperation Concept?
We invite you to contact us by email at with the name of your organization and a quick description of the subject of your request.
You are an association, a cooperative, an NGO, or a public organization... You have a public interest project for which you have difficulties to find funds and you want to benefit from the support of Cooperation Concept?
To give you the best offer, we invite you to send an email to with the name of your organization, a specific description of your project, and all the elements concerning the project (budget, standard file...) even if they are not finalized. Do not forget to specify which amount you need us to search for.
You want to join us as volunteer?
Wherever you are in the world, you can join us and participate to our associative life. To do so, please contact us at by presenting yourself in a few words. We will contact you to present you the association and the upcoming activities. In order to offer you an investment that matches your interests, we invite you to think of how you would like to participate and your availabilities.
You want to apply?
To join our consultant database, please send a resume matching the European standards with the additional information requested to
If you want to submit an article or participate to the redactional life of the website, contact us at (for now, our publications are exclusively in French, but English contributions are welcome).
If you ever experiment a dysfunction on our website, do not hesitate to contact us at
Newsletters, information
If you want to send us newsletters, information, invitations to events..., you can contact us at
To reach us, please contact us at
We thank you for your interest.